Design. Apparatus released a Chinese firm Zhuhai Spark Electronic Equipment, established in 1993. Quality electronics from the "young" manufacturers from China we do not always trust, but the design is able to break down prejudices Cayin. Feels solid approach (firm established under the wing of the state aerotehnologicheskoy Corporation). The paint on the body is polished, and that it did not stay on fingerprints editor, complete white gloves provided. The front panel is made of aluminum centimeter thick. Spectacularly decorated handle volume control and input selector: their "footprints" made mirror. To select the source using a regular mechanical switch - simple but rarely used solution as a protective layer on the contacts eventually wear down, they are oxidized and the integrity of the electrical circuit is broken. Yes and automate such a switch difficult. Massive speaker terminals, all metal coated in gold, covered with clear plastic top. Diode rectifier one, but its filter capacitors per channel.
Functions. Model was created "under the minimalist High End»: no voices, no balance in order to reduce the signal path. This also explains the lack of headphone jacks and connectors for recording. But at high power output apparatus and five line inputs. They are labeled simply line 1-5.
Control. Inputs from the remote are not switched - buttons with the names of the sources are not used. As a result, the remote controls only the volume or mutes the sound completely. Food from the remote also does not turn on standby is not provided, although the indicator stand-by there.
Sound. Thanks to a solid reserve power in the sound and feel the palpable greater spatial freedom. But the size of performers seem exaggerated, instruments of the orchestra striving to take place closer to the speakers. However, the overall clarity of sound - high, as the speaker - good.
Linear frequency response in a very wide range. Signal/noise ratio - small (57 dB), the noise level increases with decreasing frequency. Channel separation is too modest - about 55 dB. Noticeable imbalance (0.8 dB), and it can not compensate. In the spectrum of the output signal is dominated by traces of the second harmonic, THD increases appreciably with increasing frequency, and growth begins at frequencies slightly more than 1 kHz. Also clearly visible and intermodulation distortion, and is large enough difference component flowing into the audible range. Having all of these distortions should negatively affect the purity of sound. But harmonic distortion at half capacity is 0.055% (1kHz) - well, given that the maximum output power (THD 0.7 %) is very impressive. Yes, and the output resistance is small, which should positively affect acoustic damping (damping factor is huge - more than 410).
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